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Detection of occupational hazards in the workplace

Monitoring capacity and scope

1Environmental monitoring

Ambient air and exhaust fumesOrganic pollutants, inorganic pollutants, particulate pollutants, common gases, etc.

Water and wastewater: physical and chemical indicators, inorganic salt ions, metals and their compounds, organic pollutants, microorganisms, etc.

Soil: heavy metals and inorganics, volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, organic pesticides, PCBs, petroleum hydrocarbons, physical indicators, etc.

Radiation, noise, vibration detection

2Occupational hazard factors

Physical harmful factors: high temperature, vibration, noise, illuminance, ultraviolet radiation, high frequency electromagnetic field, ultra high frequency radiation, microwave radiation, power frequency electric field, etc.

Chemical harmful factors: metal, non-metal, organic, pesticide, dust.