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Technical service of pollutant discharge permit

With the comprehensive deepening of the reform of the existing environmental management system, the pollutant discharge permit system will become the core system of environmental management of fixed pollution sources that reforming, connecting and integrating the nine existing environmental management systems such as environmental impact assessment system, total amount control system and pollutant discharge charge system to implement the management mode of "one pollutant discharge permit and one certificate". The pollutant discharge unit must apply for a pollutant discharge permit and discharge the pollutant according to the permit before the project is put into operation and the ecological environment department shall enforce the law according to the permit. Our team fully participates in the establishment and preparation of pollution discharge permit systems and regulations in the national petrochemical, fertilizer, oil storage, gas station, coal processing and other industries, extensively serves major enterprises for the application of pollution discharge permit applications and the preparation of implementation reports, and assists the environment protection authorities with technical reviewing and enforcement of pollution permits.